
Variables Of C language

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          C variables 

Psrint f()  -

  •  printf is used to display something on the screen in form of output ex. printf("\n hello world");
  • were \n is used to display text in new line .

 scanf - 

  • scanf is used to take input from user .
  • eg. scanf("%d",&n);

Clrscr( ); -

  • Clrscr is used  to clear the screen before output (removing previous output ).
  • it comes under and part of #include<conio.h>
  • if you use Clrscr then must use getch( ); before you compile.

Switch( ) -

  • if you want to display months name in that case you can use switch 
  • e.g if accept month 2 or you entered month number 2 the output will be February.
  • you can see example of switch used to display month name CLICK HERE ⟵CLICK to see eg.

If....else -

  • if you want to display conditional statement  then if...else is used .
  • eg display even and odd number.
  • you can see practical     CLICK HERE   ⟵ CLICK TO SEE eg.

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